Corporate Irresponsibility: VW Settlement Underlies Ethical Problems at the Auto Maker
Cost-Benefit Analysis Can’t Hide Unethical Behavior by Car Companies Finally, an agreement with German car maker Volkswagen AG. On June...
Ethics Education Podcast with CPA Australia
Challenges of Teaching Ethics to Accounting Students I was recently interviewed by CPA Australia on my views as they pertain to the...

What is the Essence of Ethical Behavior?
Reclaiming ‘The Golden Rule’ Acting ethically has become a lost art. Most people do not stop and think whether they are about to do the...

Do DOJ Lawyers Need an Ethics Class?
Judge Hanen Orders a Halt to Implementation of DACA and DAPA Perhaps you have heard that U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen issued an...

Why Grit is the new Buzzword for Success
'Virtuous' Grit is an Essential Ethical Value Last week I watch a TED presentation by Angela Duckworth who discussed her findings in a...

Ethics Education Needs to Evolve
Acting on Ethical Values the Key to Making Ethical Decisions Ethics education fails in its objective of teaching the skills necessary to...

Is Income Inequality a 'Moral' Problem?
Free-Market Economics and the Minimum Wage Last week I blogged about the morality of raising the minimum wage. I came down on the side of...

What are Corporate Social Responsibilities to Provide a 'Living Wage'?
California's Increase in the Minimum Wage is Long Overdue California is frequently a bellwether state with respect to workplace ethics...
Accounting Ethics Textbook Teaches Ethical Decision Making and Values-based Action
Ethics Sage Publishes 4th Edition of Accounting Ethics Textbook Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting: Text and Cases was...

Character and Trust is Key to Ethical Decision-Making
Virtues Underlie Workplace Behavior Writer Robert McKee famously said "True character is revealed in the choices a human makes under...