Building a Culture of Wellness in the Workplace
Mental Wellness Promotes Productivity, Happiness and a Meaningful Workplace Experience There are a variety of definitions of mental...

Is it Time to Cancel the Cancel Culture?
Online Shaming: Good or Bad? A great deal has been said and written about the existence of a “cancel culture.” The cancel culture is...

It's Time to Build an Ethical Framework for AI
What are the Ethical Principles of AI Use? Ethical issues in artificial intelligence (AI) exist because rules of the road are needed to...

What is Your Purpose in Life?
I just read a book, The Power of Meaning, that addresses how to find your purpose in life: how to be happy and self-fulfilled. I want to...

Should Whistleblowers Always Be Rewarded?
I’ve blogged many times before about whistleblowing including whether it is an ethical action. Some would say that whistleblowing is a...

From Black Power Salute to Colin Kaepernick to Serena Williams: Ethics in Sports
I’ve read many articles on whether Serena Williams’ behavior at the US Open during her finals match against Naomi Osaka was justified, an...

“If there’s something weird and it don’t look good, who you gonna call…?”
Ghosting on the internet occurs when someone with whom you have established a relationship disappears from contact without any...

Suggestions to Combat Financial Elder Fraud and Abuse
Elder fraud is the fastest growing form of elder abuse. Broadly defined, financial elder abuse is when someone illegally or improperly...

A Utilitarian Approach to Analyze Cheating From an Instructors’ Perspective
In May 2012, Harvard forced dozens of students in a Government class to leave in its largest cheating scandal in memory, but the...

Kohlberg's Model and Ethical Decision-Making
I’m frequently asked whether it is ethical to take credit for the work done by a co-worker. The purpose of this blog is to share my...