Should St. John's University (Minnesota) Return the $300,000 Lindmark Endowment?
It’s an intriguing question. When should a university be forced to return an endowment because it hasn’t been used for the designated...
The Ethics of Technology Transfer
Extensive transfer of technology from university and nonprofit laboratories to the commercial sector is an increasingly common occurrence...
The "Teaching Effectiveness Gap"
Last week I read an article about why student evaluations of college instructors are not reliable and should not be used in performance...
Is our Course Grading System Broken?
Perhaps you’ve heard that a North Carolina Community College -- Stanly Community College – has decided to drop the “D” grade. Students...
Refuting Caplan’s Thesis that College Education is a Waste of Time and Money
George Mason University economist Bryan Caplan has created a firestorm by claiming a college education is a waste of time and money, and...
Larry Nassar and Michigan State: A Tale of a Corrupt Culture, Ethical Blindness, and Institutional I
I always believed the NCAA was relatively even-handed with its punishment of Penn State University in the Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse...
Pay to Play College Sports Donations Gone Under the Tax Reform Act
In case you are not aware, the recently passed tax reform bill is likely to have a huge effect on funding college sports including the...
How Do Universities Deal With Sexual Harassment?
It was bound to happen sooner or later. The sexual harassment charges in Hollywood, the media, and Congress have now expanded to include...
Ethical Relativism and College Cheaters
Cheating in college has reached epidemic proportions. Even though the rate of students who admit to cheating at least once in their...
Commercializing the University
I just read about the University of Wisconsin-Madison's corporate partnerships that bring revenue for the institution but also raise...