Have We Lost Our Moral Compass?
Civility! We need to become a more civil nation. How many times have you heard it? Too many times. Forget civility, we need to become...

Here's Why Dodd-Frank Worker Retaliation Protections Have Been Turned on its Head
Thinking about blowing the whistle on wrongdoing at your organization? Well, you need to read on because the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on...

The "Teaching Effectiveness Gap"
Last week I read an article about why student evaluations of college instructors are not reliable and should not be used in performance...

What Should Be Done About Gun Violence?
Dozens of mass killings have occurred in a variety of locations during the past ten years in the U.S. Sadly, now we must add to the list...

Rational Egoism Underlies College Students’ Beliefs
Rational egoism is a particular brand of ethical egoism that claims the promotion of one’s own interest is always in accordance with...

The Importance of “Soft Skills” in the Workplace
We all know the value of education and training in “hard skills.” These technical-oriented skills provide the foundation for success in...

Is our Course Grading System Broken?
Perhaps you’ve heard that a North Carolina Community College -- Stanly Community College – has decided to drop the “D” grade. Students...

Refuting Caplan’s Thesis that College Education is a Waste of Time and Money
George Mason University economist Bryan Caplan has created a firestorm by claiming a college education is a waste of time and money, and...

Larry Nassar and Michigan State: A Tale of a Corrupt Culture, Ethical Blindness, and Institutional I
I always believed the NCAA was relatively even-handed with its punishment of Penn State University in the Jerry Sandusky sexual abuse...

KPMG-PCAOB Scandal Raises Questions About Oversight of the Accounting Profession
In an unprecedented event, on January 22, 2018 it was announced that a former Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) staffer,...