What ever Happened to Common Sense and Common Decency?
Why we have Lost our Moral Compass I have blogged many times before about the loss of a moral compass in society. It goes much deeper...

Snowden and WikiLeaks at Odds on Releasing DNC Emails
An Ethical Evaluation of Actions by WikiLeaks and Snowden The New York Times reports that while both Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks may...

Kill the Messenger Syndrome and the DNC "#DemExit" refers to Sanders delegates walking out of the DNC and is an appropriate title for...

What makes for a Principled Person?
Did Ted Cruz Say the ‘Right’ Thing at the Republican Convention? What makes for a principled person? McNabb points out that usually, when...

Reflections on the Murder of Cops and Killing of Black Youth
A Changing Societal Ethic is Behind Recent Tragic Events Why did it happen? Who is to blame? How can we prevent a re-occurrence? These...

Corporate Irresponsibility: VW Settlement Underlies Ethical Problems at the Auto Maker
Cost-Benefit Analysis Can’t Hide Unethical Behavior by Car Companies Finally, an agreement with German car maker Volkswagen AG. On June...

Concerns about Assigning College Students Papers for Wikipedia
Should College Professors Assign Papers to Improve Content on Wikipedia? Should college professors assign Wikipedia content reviews and...

Are U.S. Students Lazy or Lacking a Work Ethic?
Who is to Blame for Lack of Achievement in Math and Science? The Pew Research results of a study of achievement in math and science that...
Ethics Education Podcast with CPA Australia
Challenges of Teaching Ethics to Accounting Students I was recently interviewed by CPA Australia on my views as they pertain to the...

The Ethical Link Between Our Beliefs and Our Actions
Cognitive Dissonance and Ethical Decision-Making A highly ethical person knows his or her values, principles and beliefs. Those values,...