Is it Ethical for Employers to use Social Media in Hiring and Employment Decisions?
Do Employers Violate the Ethical Rights of Employees when using Social Media for Workplace Decisions? The frequent use of technology in...

Interaction between culture, behavior, ethics and performance
Culture and Corporate Conscience Understanding the interaction between culture, behavior, ethics and performance is essential to...

The Ethics of Insurgent of the Divergent Series
What is the moral message of the movie, Insurgent? The movie Insurgent, the second in the Divergent series, raises all kinds of ethical...

Is Whistle-blowing an Ethical Act Practice?
Personal Values and Organizational Culture are the Foundation of Whistle-blowing The ethics of whistleblowing is a tricky matter....

Are we raising a generation of Narcissists? Is there a ‘Narcissistic Gene?’
Beware the Warning Signs of Narcissism in your Kids Is it true that constantly telling your kids they're special can make them especially...

Do the Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few?
The Logic of Spock Trekkies like myself are still recovering from the death of the beloved Vulcan character in the original Star Trek...

Should Taxpayers be required to Pay More Taxes to the IRS Because of its Mistake in Calculating Heal
Competency in Government and Moral Hazard Have you filed your income taxes for 2014 using an incorrect tax statement, known as 1095-A,...

Chris Kyle: American Hero or Racist?
Why is American Sniper such a Phenomenon? The debate continues whether the movie The American Sniper portrays a real American hero, Chris...

Are today’s college professors acting less civilly towards colleagues and the administration?
Civil Discourse is an Important value in the Academy This is the third of a three-part series on the ethics of academics. My blog on...

Harvard Ban on Sex between Professor and Undergraduates likely to lead to more sex with Graduate Stu
Harvard Policy does not go far enough This is the second of a three-part series on the ethics of academics. My blog on February 4 dealt...