KPMG-PCAOB Scandal Raises Questions About Oversight of the Accounting Profession
In an unprecedented event, on January 22, 2018 it was announced that a former Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) staffer,...

Regulating the Accounting Profession in the Public Interest
Government regulations, whistleblower protections, GAAP reporting standards, and internal control requirements are meaningless and not...

Ernst & Young Auditors Should Be Held Responsible for Fraud at Equifax
Who should be held responsible for the security breach at Equifax? Who should be punished for the breach that could have affected as many...

What Should Government Regulators Do to Equifax?
In my last blog I examined the bewildering action by the IRS to award a $7.25 million-dollar contract to Equifax to verify taxpayer...

Can Commercialism and Professionalism Co-Exist in the Accounting Profession?
Conflicts of Interest between Non-audit and Audit Services threatens Independence What we see today in the accounting profession is...

The Ethics of a Government-Selection and Auditor Fee-Payment System
How much are we willing to pay to ensure auditor independence? A perpetual ethical problem for auditors is the conflict of interests that...

A few thoughts on teaching Ethics
Are Business Schools using the Best Approach to Teach Ethics? The other day I reflected on a lecture I gave to my ethics students on how...