Navigating the Choppy Waters of Unethical Behavior at Wells Fargo
Message From John Stumpf, CEO of Wells: Do What I Say, Not What I Do Wells Fargo is the poster child of an unethical company. We now know...

Is Trump’s 1995 $916 million Net Operating Loss Deduction Legal? Ethical?
Debunking Trump’s Claim that Using the Tax Code to His Advantage Makes Him the Only Person to Reform It Donald Trump reported a $916...

The Role of Management in Establishing an Ethical Culture
Why Ethical Issues Arise in the Workplace and How to Deal with Them The 2013 National Business Ethics Survey reported by the Ethics &...

Culture and Civility: U.S. vs. Japan
Differences in Ethical Values Between the Two Countries I just returned from several days in Japan and noticed a marked difference in how...

What is Ethical Leadership in Business?
Ethical Organizations Should Value Employees as an End in Itself, Not a Means to an End The ethical leader understands that positive...

Have College Campuses Become a Hunting Ground for Student Rape?
Is Sexual Assault Too Easily Dismissed by Campus Administrators? Brock Turner, the former Stanford University swimmer who spent three...

Why Americans Distrust Politicians
Don’t Believe Anything They Say or Do In my last blog I addressed why “political ethics” is an oxymoron so I found it informative and...

What is the Value of Free Speech on College Campuses?
Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far? Universities are learning communities that should value and protect students’ First Amendment...

Socioeconomic Effects of the Uber Model
Costs and Benefits of Uber versus Taxicabs Is it possible that the Uber ride-sharing app is worth between $60 billion and $70 billion as...

What ever Happened to Common Sense and Common Decency?
Why we have Lost our Moral Compass I have blogged many times before about the loss of a moral compass in society. It goes much deeper...