Is America Still a "Shining City Upon a Hill?"
In its classic forms, American Exceptionalism refers to the special character of the United States as a uniquely free nation based on...

Regulating the Accounting Profession in the Public Interest
Government regulations, whistleblower protections, GAAP reporting standards, and internal control requirements are meaningless and not...

White House Awash in Conflicts of Interest
It’s been more than seven months since Donald Trump began his presidency and it seems just about every ethics rule has been broken,...

The Role of the Media in Politics
Responsible Behavior Shoved Aside for Biased Reporting The media has been referred to as “The Fourth Estate” with the important function...

Can Politicians be Principled Leaders?: Reflections on the Republican Debates
Who will Inspire us to be Better than we are? We hear a lot these days from the Republican candidates for President about the importance...