Civility Run Among in American Politics
Private versus Public Positions of Candidates Raise Questions About Their Commitment to Honesty and Transparency I have criticized...

Have College Campuses Become a Hunting Ground for Student Rape?
Is Sexual Assault Too Easily Dismissed by Campus Administrators? Brock Turner, the former Stanford University swimmer who spent three...

What ever Happened to Common Sense and Common Decency?
Why we have Lost our Moral Compass I have blogged many times before about the loss of a moral compass in society. It goes much deeper...

Reflections on “I am Cait’
LGBT Community Sensitively Portrayed on TV Show Congratulations to E Entertainment for its portrayal of the challenges faced by the LGBT...

Can Courses on Civility Stem the Tide of Bullying in our Schools?
Civility and Ethics Training: Does it Really Matter? I recently read about Malcolm Smith, a New Hampshire Professor, who says he's been...

The Costs and Benefits of New Federal Rules on Campus Sexual Violence
Does the Increased Bureaucracy Justify the Protection Afforded Students? New federal rules issued on Monday aim to make campuses safer by...

Proposed California Sex Consent Law Goes Too Far
“No Means No’ an Example of Trying to Legislate Behavior As colleges and universities prepare for the new academic year, this is a good...

Workplace Behavior: The Ethics behind Sexual Assault in the Military
Sexual Assault in the Military and the Military Justice System From time to time I assign a project to my ethics students to identify a...