Ethical Leadership Becoming a Dinosaur
I've previously written that "We have Lost Our Moral Compass' and 'Civility is a Lost Art.' Well, let me add Ethical Leadership to the...

Is our Course Grading System Broken?
Perhaps you’ve heard that a North Carolina Community College -- Stanly Community College – has decided to drop the “D” grade. Students...

Tax on College Endowment is Counterproductive
Most people are unaware that the tax reform act includes a college endowment tax that threatens the long-standing tax-free earnings from...

Pay to Play College Sports Donations Gone Under the Tax Reform Act
In case you are not aware, the recently passed tax reform bill is likely to have a huge effect on funding college sports including the...

Racially Charged Language Inhibits Inclusive Cultures
Leaving home for the first time and going off to college is an exciting and stressful time for tens of thousands of students across the...

Should You Write That Letter of Recommendation?
If I were still a teaching professor, at this time of year I would have been inundated with student requests for letters of...

Commercializing the University
I just read about the University of Wisconsin-Madison's corporate partnerships that bring revenue for the institution but also raise...