Concerns about Assigning College Students Papers for Wikipedia
Should College Professors Assign Papers to Improve Content on Wikipedia? Should college professors assign Wikipedia content reviews and...
Are U.S. Students Lazy or Lacking a Work Ethic?
Who is to Blame for Lack of Achievement in Math and Science? The Pew Research results of a study of achievement in math and science that...
What is the Essence of Ethical Behavior?
Reclaiming ‘The Golden Rule’ Acting ethically has become a lost art. Most people do not stop and think whether they are about to do the...
The Ethical Link Between Our Beliefs and Our Actions
Cognitive Dissonance and Ethical Decision-Making A highly ethical person knows his or her values, principles and beliefs. Those values,...
Why Grit is the new Buzzword for Success
'Virtuous' Grit is an Essential Ethical Value Last week I watch a TED presentation by Angela Duckworth who discussed her findings in a...
Civility and Free Speech a Rare Commodity on College Campuses
What is the purpose of a Liberal Education? I don’t know about you but I have always believed that the purpose of a liberal education is...
Are Shifting Cultural Values Creating an Entitlement Society?
Narcissism has Replaced a Work Ethic Fueled by Social Media I have previously blogged about the entitlement society that has developed in...
Accounting Ethics Textbook Teaches Ethical Decision Making and Values-based Action
Ethics Sage Publishes 4th Edition of Accounting Ethics Textbook Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Accounting: Text and Cases was...
What to Make of Trump’s Cult-Like Following?
Does man make the times or do the times make the man? Have Trump’s supporters drank the Kool-Aid? It seems so to me. His followers are...
The Ethics of Allowing the U.S. Government Access to Terrorist's iPhone
Do the Ends Justify the Means? By now you know that a U.S. magistrate has ordered Apple to assist the government in unlocking the iPhone...